creating bright beginnings...
Early education and support is vital to establishing a base for mental and physical development. This need is even greater in disadvantaged communities and orphanages where caretaker support is compromised.
Creating Bright Beginnings for Every Child
What the Research Says...
50% of the world's children under the age of six are not enrolled in any pre-school education. This number is even higher for children in orphanages and communities where funding and support is scarce.
“Worldwide, vulnerable children are disproportionately excluded from quality pre-primary education – even though it can have the greatest impact on them.” UNICEF
Extensive brain and child development research shows that in these first years, the brain is sponge-like, open to absorbing quantities of information unparalleled by any other developmental phase in a humans’ lifetime.
“In the first five years of life, children’s brains grow faster than they ever will again.” HEADSTART, US Dept of Health and Human Services
“The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six.”
Founder of the Montessori Method of Education
what is montessori?
Founded by Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 20th century, the Montessori method
focuses on rigorous, self-motivated growth for children in all areas of development. The
child-focused educational framework fosters independence and seeks to develop the child’s natural interest in learning. The period from birth through the age of six, “the absorbent mind,” is a critical time when verbal and non-verbal skills, motor skills, social and emotional skills are all honed at an astonishing rate.
why montessori?
A Montessori education is designed to encourage a child’s complete development by providing:
Integrative Learning – through movement, touch, sight and sound
Multi-age Classrooms – children benefit from peer learning, develop strong social and collaboration skills, and develop a sense of community and pride in their environment
Observation – allows each child to learn at their own pace based on readiness
Developmental Awareness – determines the needs and abilities of each child based on individual times of development allowing for optimal learning
Materials – allows for child-led exploration and self-correction through manipulative aids that foster self-confidence with success.
what we do...
Montessori Origins works toward bridging the educational gap for young children in vulnerable communities across the world by providing:
A full-time certified Montessori directress and assistant
A prepared Montessori environment and materials
Classroom supplies
Enrichment programs such as music, ballet, art and tennis
On-site information/training
Ability to track each child’s progress and provide metrics for success using Transparent Classroom
A foundation in the English language
our goals...