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  • Montessori Origins

Meet Montessori Teacher Emina...

Early childhood educator Emina on a field trip

Montessori Program Lead - Emina Durmo shares some insight into the day-to-day life on the ground with Montessori Origins.


What is your favorite part of working as an early childhood educator?

My favorite part of my job is observing the children's growth and progress. I also like to "follow a child" and learn from them. It is a both a process of learning and research. It gives me great pleasure to be part of a child's growth. They will be the citizens of the world, and it is my greatest hope that they will be spreading the message of peace and love in it.

Can you share a story about the children in the classroom this week?

A few weeks ago I noticed that children were stepping on ants they found near the classroom. So I decided to use this opportunity to teach them about insects and their importance in our world through various activities, stories, songs. At the end of this week, one child found an ant in the classroom, put it on his palm, approached me and quietly whispered, "The ant must have come to see what we are doing. Can you please open the window for me to let him go outside." They learn so quickly.

What is the one thing you would want people to know about the work we are doing at Montessori Origins?

It is my wish that as many people as possible around the world hear about Montessori Origins and know that our goal is to provide bright beginnings for every child. I want people to understand that we are a serious, organized, professional organization and that the program in Sarajevo has been implemented very successfully.


It's not the amount, but the act that shows you care. Montessori Origins is there for those that need it the most.

Like to run marathons, host dinners, or basket weave under water? Whatever your hobby, recruit friends and family to support you, and make an impact through Montessori Origins.

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